We’re here to help you

An art to analysing data

Data Integration

When tracking Business KPIs and making data-driven decisions, integrating statistics from multiple data sources is not uncommon to place.

Depending on the kind of statistics reassessments you figure with, we will assist you in setting up a Data Stack that’s proper for your company.

Our team has extensive experience working with current Data Stacks and widely used technologies such as Google Big Query, Snowflake, Redshift, Fivetran, Stitch, DBT and Airflow.

Design great, compelling dashboards and data visualizations that communicate data effectively.

Experience with various business intelligence and visualization platforms including Tableau, Power BI, Looker, Google Data Studio, Mode Analytics, Sisense/Periscope, Rakam, Metabase, and Chartio.

Data Visualization

Data Modeling

We will help define and implement the best Data Modeling strategy for your use case/s by understanding your business goals and processes, in combination with our understanding of Data related best practices and our industry experience.

We are not only strong SQL developers, but also great data analysts with a lot of business experience. This is a special “superpower” at solving complex problems and answering complex questions with data.

If you’ve ever heard of this, we love DBT, modern ELT approaches and versioned data models.

We offer a wide range of services to help your business harness the power of data by delivering data products that involve machine learning models.

Some possible use cases for our solutions include predicting customer churn, detecting fraud, and performing NLP analysis on customer feedback. Contact us to learn more about how we can help your business make data-driven decisions.

Data Science